Hello my dears 🙂 How have you been the last three weeks? Long time I ididn’t post something new, but we were very busy in the States… Except great holidays, Im very proud of what is coming soon!!! I can’t tell you more, but be sure, you are going to love it! Some of you already knows what Im talking about 🙂 Don’t worry, you will know all, when the right time come!
And 🙂 That you have something to do, before the report and the news are coming out, I uploaded couple of photos we did, in the forum.
Here is the link, so check it out!
Im going to sleep, as Im up the whole night… I hate jetlag 😀 With love Yours Caprice
Very well! :-).
Wonderful pictures and… OMG… you look beautiful in the desert. It was great to see you guys again. I posted some pictures of my trip on Facebook, but one of them was a painting in the museum that included some nudity so now I’m blocked. First time. It’s kind of fun 🙂
guys not forget we have a new shop with fan goodies 🙂 http://shop.littlecaprice-dreams.com